Saturday, October 23, 2010

L8 - Informational Interview Report
Tom Beaton – Information Technology Director

Type of Business:

What are the services, products, or functions of the organization?
Career channel organization, radio stations, American top 40, radio station programming, figure out how many people on what music they want; research and data analyzing.

Who uses the organization’s services or products?
Radio music programming for music director, client end user or customer or listener of the radio station.

Who are the competitors in this field?
Rate the, other website that may do the same thing; not many competitors.

What sets the company apart or distinguishes it from others in the same industry?
Amount time in business, 1998, a non-funded by radio station. There is no advertisement, and not persuaded by money.

What are the projections for future development or new directions?
Enhance produce, and more clients.

Position Classifications:

In each major corporate division, what types of positions are available?
3 full time with rate the music, regular sales. No new open positions. 

What are the qualifications for entry-level and experienced positions? (Consider education, skills, abilities, ect.)
Had an intern, technical side, data base, experience statics, programming experience. Experience radio and/or record experience music industry.

Position Descriptions:

What duties and responsibilities are performed in the area in which you are interested?
Computer software design, web development, database design.

What are some examples of projects currently under way and problems currently being solved?
Online spread sheet that pulls data from 4 different sources. Understanding the client on their details of what they want.

What is a typical day like?
Work from home, hours are flexible, work on demand of the company; typical 9-5.

What contacts would there be (e.g., personal, telephone, e-mail) with other organizations?
Customer: emails, automatic use. Phone calls for personal connect; number of client 200, 250,000 customers.

General questions:

1. What do you like most about your job and why?
Flexible of the job, work from home, work anyway that has an internet connection.

2. What do you like least about your job and why?
What’s the client are looking for.

3. How did you decide to get into this field, and what steps did you take to enter the field? What alternative ways can one enters this field?
Computer programming and web design as a hobby. Start out with a company that is just starting out. Specify training, and knowing the people in the field, and start for the bottom and work your way up.

4. What training would you recommend for someone who wanted to enter this field now? What skills and background are needed to get into this field now?
At least trade school, software engineer, 2 year degree degree.

5. What is the salary range for a person in this field? Entry level to top salary?
$25,000 – $150,000.

6. What personal qualities do you feel are most important in your work and why?
Being able to, listen to the client wants, lots of listening.

7. What types of stress do you experience on the job?
Don’t experience too much stress, expect when clients don’t know what they want.

8. What types of people survive and do well in this field?
Lots of coffee! People with people skills, and lots able to adapt to change in both company and technology.

9. Are resumes important in getting a job here?
Defiantly, show skills, product name? Experience on a resume, instead of product name. Portfolio shows experience. Life skills like thinking logically, and trouble shooting, he can teach the product. Demonstrate experience, and not product skills.

10. What are the opportunities for promotion?
Yes in the industry, but not in the company he is in.

11. Is this field expanding? Taking any new directions?
Yes, adding new future, new client and No, for the company.

12. What related occupations might I investigate?
Smart devices, mobile communication; blackberry, iphone, ipad, computer in cars, ect.

13. Is there anything else about this field that would be helpful for me to know?
Listen skills, ability to think critically, change quickly in company or in technology, never say never, ability to new stuff quickly. If interview other company, don’t be surprise that it may be different. Disney technician and then company coming to him for his skills and experience.

I liked the interview. He very informative and answered the entire questions to the best of his knowledge. I like that he gave more information about how he started out and became what he is now. He started out as a Technical Technician in a stage production, and another company called him for his skills that no one else has to be a software programmer and web design. His been in the company for more than 10 years now and he is enjoying where he is now, comfortably. He gave a small advice about the movement of the Information Technology products and devices, that they are going more mobile communication; ie, iPad, Blackberry, Smartphones, etc. This person could be a very important person to add to my networking, because he has more information and experience in the Information Technology area that could be very valuable to me. If I had to use this process again, I would. It’s very informative and great way to get information to about what you are getting yourself into.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

L7 - Tempting Ten

Information Technology:
  1. Computer Service Technician
  2. Computer Security Professional
  3. Web Development Specialist
  4. Network Systems Security
  5. System Analyst
  6. Database Specialist
  7. Information System Administrator
  8. Telecommunications
  9. Computer Programming Engineer
  10. Multimedia Specialist

Finance or Accounting:
  1. Bookkeeper
  2. Clerk
  3. Accountant
  4. Financial Analyst
  5. Payroll Specialist
  6. Payroll Administrator
  7. Principal
  8. Tax Specialist
  9. Office Administrator
  10. Controller

Sunday, October 3, 2010

L6 - SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis Academic Plan
Tentative Major Information Technology and Information System

Course Already Completed:
  • INFO 1100 – Exploring the Digital Domain
  • INFO 1120 – Information System and Technology Fundamentals
  • INFO 1200 – Computer Programming I for IS/IT
  • INFO 1510 – Introduction to System Administration – Linux/UNIX
  • MATH 1050 – College Algebra
  • ACC 2010 – Financial Accounting
  • PHYS 1010 – Elementary Physics
  • BIOL 1010 – General Biology
  • PES 1097 – Fitness for Life FE
Courses I may need to take:
  • ENGL 1010 – Introduction to Writing (General)
  • ENGL 2010 – Intermediate Writing for Humanities or Social Sciences (General)
  • ENGL 2020 – Intermediate Writing for Science or Technology (General)
  • ENGL 2310 – Technical Communication (General)
  • POLS 1010 – Intro to Political Science  (General Social Science)
  • POLS 1100 – American National Government (General Core)
  • PHIL 2050 – Ethics and Values (General)
  • A choice from the Fine Arts distribution
  • PHYS 2010 – College Physics I
  • PHYS 2020 – College Physics II
  • INFO 2*** - All 2000 INFO classes
  • INFO 3*** - All 3000 INFO classes
  • INFO 4*** - All 4000 INFO classes
  • Select Database Administration, Network Administration, or Web Administration disciplinary and start working on those disciplinary classes.
  • I like this major because I enjoy being around technology.
  • I really like trouble shooting computers.
  • I like all the INFO classes that I will be taken in the near future.
  • Very stable career where every company is going to need them.
  • Weaker in English and Biology classes. May have to focus on them more.
  • It may take lot more time then inspected to complete the degree.
  • The degree will help me get an entry position as a technical support technician.
  • Hoping to keep up with the newer technical trends.
  • Open up more doors for careers in all different kinds of companys.
  • Financing the college education degree on my own.
  • Other majors like Account, Business Management, or Computer Science.
  • Balance between education and work.

L5 - Personality/Interest Assessment

Name: Nicholas Seschillie
Assessments Review Sheet
CLSS 2100
October 3, 2010


For this assignment, you will use the results from your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strong Interest Inventory (SII) assessments to determine some particular occupations and majors to research.

MBTI Report
1.            List your reported type. (Example: ESTJ)
  • ISFJ
2.            According to your report, what are some of the characteristics that best describe your personality type?
  • Supportive, Organize, Goal Oriented, Services, Quiet, Loyal, Time Management Oriented, Patient and Friendly.

3.            Refer to the list of the 50 most popular occupations page or go to                                   Read the list of occupations, circle the ones that you would like to explore, and list them below.
  • Desktop Publisher, Bookkeeper, Bank teller, Secretary, Clerical Worker, Data Entry, Word Processing, Librarian / Information Services, Administrative Assistant, and Receptionist.

4.            How do you believe the occupations you have chosen to explore fit with your personality preferences?  Explain how these occupations allow you to work in your preferred work environment.
  • With all the occupations that I have chosen, they all require a little bit of the personality that are describe as my characteristics. Supportive, Organize, Loyal, Patient and Friendly to name a few. If all the chosen occupations works with most of my personality characteristics, then working with the occupation will be funnier, easier, and will be more happier in the long run.

SII Report           

1.            List your general occupational theme code. (Example EAS)
  • CR

2.            List your 5 Basic Interests Scales and determine what type of interest they represent from the following: vocational, educational, leisure activities, personal interest. (Examples might include: religion-personal interest, teaching-leisure, healthcare-vocational)
  • Computer Hardware / Electronics (R), Office Management (C), Programming / Information Systems (C), Taxes / Accounting (C), and Culinary Arts (A).

3.            Refer to pages 5, 6, and 7 of your SII profile.  Look at all the occupational scales you scored highest in (generally 40 or above), or that have a combination of your theme code.  List the occupations from the scales that you might like to research. 
  • Conventional – Computer System Analyst (CRI), Administrative Assistant (CSA), Bookkeeper (C), and Banker (CE).
  •  Realistic – Radiologic Technologist (RI), Farmer/Rancher (RC), Electrician (RIC), and Engineering Technician (RIC).
  • Investigative – Technical Support Specialist (IRC), Computer Scientist (ICR), Network Administrator (IRC), and Software Developer (IAR).
  • Artistic – Musician (A).
  • Social – Athletic Trainer (SIR).
  • Enterprising – Optician (ER), and Chef (ER).

4.            For the following questions refer to Personal Style Scales on page 8 of your SII profile.
A.            Look at your “Work Style” rating.  What does your score suggest to you in relation to the occupations you listed above?
  • My “Work Style” rating says it’s pretty clear that I will enjoy any of these occupations. Working with anyone in these occupations will be easy, fun, and very cooperative.

B.            Look at your “Learning Environment” rating.  How do the educational requirements of the occupations you listed fit with your interest to pursue additional training?
  • The “Learning Environment” of the occupations I chosen fit in the learning environment rating that was given to me. I would like to prefer practical learning environments instead of academic environments.

C.            Look at your “Leadership Style” rating.  How do these occupations fit your personal style?
  • My leadership style is comfortable where I’m not taking charge and prefers to do the job rather than direct others. Most of the occupations I’ve chosen are in these categories.

D.            Look at your “Risk Taking/Adventure” rating.  Explain how the occupations do or do not match your risk taking style.
  • The scale on this category is where I dislike risk taking, likes quiet activities, and prefers to play it safe. All the occupation I’ve chosen is all non-risk taking or adventurist.

5.          What college majors are suggested for your theme code that you find interesting?
  • Conventional - Information System, Information Technology, Computer Programming, Computer Systems Operations, Data Management, Medical Administration, Medical Transcription, and Purchasing/Materials Management
  • Realistic - Medical Technology, Electronics, Computer Technology, and Agriculture.
  • Investigative – Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, and Economics.
6.                     Of your top 10 occupations, list 3 you are most interested in and the educational preparation required for each.
  • Computer Systems Analyst (CRI) – BA in computer Science or MIS. Computer Science, Information Technology, and Management Information Science.
  • Radiologic Technologist (RI) – HS Diploma, technical certificate, AA or BA. Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Technical Support Specialist (IRC) – AA or BA, preferably in computer-related field. Computer Software, Computer Hardware, and Customer Service.

Occupations not listed on MBTI or SII
1.            List any occupations you are interested in that were not listed on your MBTI or SII reports.
  • Pretty much hit all the ones I’m interested in. Can’t think of any outside of MBTI or SII reports.

Meet with a Career Counselor at CACC

1.            Make an appointment to review your assessment reports with a career counselor in Career and Academic Counseling (LC402 or contact by phone: 801-863-8425).
2.                   List any comments or suggestions made by the counselor regarding selection of a career or major and/or your assessment results.
3.        Write the name of the counselor you met with and the date of your appointment.

Name_____Robert Brigance______________                   Date_____9.25.2010_________